I'd like to state for the record before I get too far into this tidbit, that I have not been in an accident, nor caused one since I was a teenager (you know I'm knocking on wood right now). I am a rather fast driver but also skilled to be able to handle those speeds.
I have come to believe the speed limit laws need to be reviewed. I'm told (and am sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) that the speed limit is determined partially by what the government has designated the area (residential, commercial, agricultural), mixed with the population of the area and the type of road being travelled. I'm sure there are adjustments made for frequency of accidents, proximity to school/playgrounds
I understand that. But here's what I'm thinking:
Shouldn't the speed limits be flexible based on driving ability too?
Each of us would be tested on our driving skill (not just on parallel parking) and would be graded on that skill. Much like we have special licenses for motorcycle or truck drivers, we could have graded licenses too. "A" drivers are the only ones who can drive in the left lane and are permitted to go 15 miles above the posted limit. "B" and "C" drivers would be in the middle and the "D" drivers must stay in the right lane and adhere to "D"-class speed limits. You would display a placard on the car you are driving to alert a cop not to pull you over.
The fact is, I'm a damn good driver. I do drive defensively and my skill has a lot to do with my excellent peripheral vision and my ability to react quickly to changing situations. This is a feature I notice a lot of drivers do not have but I don't think it is fair for me to be punished because so many do not drive well or do not pay attention when driving. Those who do drive well should be recognized for their diligence and abilities.
Okay so the idea is kinda "out there" and a little over simplistic but tell me what you think anyway. I can take it!
Ideas, thoughts and oversimplifications for the betterment of our world and the people who live here.
A little confession
This blog is a hodgepodge of my crazy thoughts on wide variety of topics. I tend to boil things down to their most simplistic logic and then present an idea to make improvements.
Of course they are often crazy ideas. I do not think any of the ideas would really work as I've presented them. I don't mean them to be the absolute answer to anything. I mean them to be the spark. To get people to think outside the box and start conversations they might not have otherwise begun.
Refinement comes from well intentioned critique so I welcome your comments or thoughts. Enjoy!!
Of course they are often crazy ideas. I do not think any of the ideas would really work as I've presented them. I don't mean them to be the absolute answer to anything. I mean them to be the spark. To get people to think outside the box and start conversations they might not have otherwise begun.
Refinement comes from well intentioned critique so I welcome your comments or thoughts. Enjoy!!
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