A little confession

This blog is a hodgepodge of my crazy thoughts on wide variety of topics. I tend to boil things down to their most simplistic logic and then present an idea to make improvements.
Of course they are often crazy ideas. I do not think any of the ideas would really work as I've presented them. I don't mean them to be the absolute answer to anything. I mean them to be the spark. To get people to think outside the box and start conversations they might not have otherwise begun.
Refinement comes from well intentioned critique so I welcome your comments or thoughts. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA/PIPA Brain dump... for free!

#SOPA & #PIPA – what great ideas! Well, wait a minute… are they?

Let’s see, I’m Google and I’m told that all US Companies will be responsible if any of their users download copyrighted content through their site. Okay, time to become a non-US Company. And that's only one dog-eared corner of the issue.

Big business already complains about the tax rate for American companies. Many have made sure they are protected from that by having their corporate offices moved out of the country. So let’s create legislation that makes it even more desirable to be a foreign company.  Congress can not pass such laws and then claim to be working to create jobs for Americans. This is a major job creator for other countries – or more accurately – it will be as time progresses.

Having a healthy history with the music industry I am absolutely against piracy. I believe that we should get only what we deserve for the work we do. Artists, writers and musicians (and their like) should receive the compensation they have earned through hard work. It is their creativity, their brain that came up with the piece and to not pay them for that is absolutely stealing (which is already illegal anywhere).

Yet it is harder and harder to punish international firms for allowing such theft. So our government is settling by punishing our own firms who abide by laws that are already stricter than their international counterparts? It seems like we’ve created our own royal whipping boy.

It is difficult to have faith in Congress right now. But on this, I’m going to try. Every elected official is already over-extended on the country’s good will credit. If they do not listen to the outcry on this particular set of laws under review, they can kiss their collective arses goodbye. For this reason I hold out hope that these acts will be stalled or mellowed to placate those with issues; call me an optimist I guess (just don’t tell my kids that). But how to proceed?

Let’s face it; the only entity who has the power to prevent criminal behavior is the person considering the criminal act. Making it hard for a criminal to be a criminal will only make for smarter and more devious criminals. Mentality must be changed. Users must stop doing the wrong thing because it IS a wrong thing, not because they are forced to. If we are a society for free choice we can not limit the choices available.

But to offer a criticism without a suggested resolution is just mean. And of course, I have an idea… but it scares me so much I’m afraid to even post it in a public format. A hint though? Well truly the ones being abused here are the artists/creators right? So what are THEY willing to do about it? Are they ready to stop hiding behind the governments and take their own action (or more accurately “inaction”)?

By the way, I create here for my own uses. This place is my brain dump. If someone takes an idea from my blog and uses it I don’t expect payment other than a thanks and maybe a mention. But my day job is another story. I don’t type a word, I don’t send a tweet or create a campaign without being paid for it. That stuff doesn’t just fall out of my head – I really have to work at it. So I expect more in return. Do all artists make that distinction?

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