A little confession

This blog is a hodgepodge of my crazy thoughts on wide variety of topics. I tend to boil things down to their most simplistic logic and then present an idea to make improvements.
Of course they are often crazy ideas. I do not think any of the ideas would really work as I've presented them. I don't mean them to be the absolute answer to anything. I mean them to be the spark. To get people to think outside the box and start conversations they might not have otherwise begun.
Refinement comes from well intentioned critique so I welcome your comments or thoughts. Enjoy!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Power in the Wrong Hands

Many of our elected Representatives have signed a pledge to never raise taxes while in office. We, the people who elected them, did not ask them to sign this pledge. We did not vote for or against them based on the fact that they did sign this pledge. A lobbyist organization asked them to sign the pledge. We, the people being represented by this elected official, did not hire the lobbyist organization to obtain this signed pledge. This organization claims to act on behalf of the people but they are not acting with our approval or our request.

The question of whether or not raising taxes is a proper course of action can not be answered by me. I am absolutely NOT a financial wizard. But to bind the hands of our elected officials and restrict (even if voluntarily) their paths for action goes against the freedom of choice our founders aimed for.
When our representatives convene they take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Within the text of the Constitution lies Congress’ power to lay and collect taxes.

Therefore to sign a separate pledge to never raise taxes while in office goes against the oath they then take to act on that office. In essence if our Representatives continue to uphold this tax pledge while still serving under an Oath of Office they are lying through either one oath or another. I personally find this treasonous. Is there not an attorney out there who might find better language to explain this act?

The question here is not about taxes being raised. The question is about who our representatives are representing. So here is my oath:

I will no longer vote for anyone running for office if they have signed or agreed to sign this taxation pledge.